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I have included a list of resources that I created for the event, including staff rotas, running orders, and signs to direct people.

I have also included the questionnaire, which will be the basis for my feedback.


Staff Lanyard

Workshop Meeting Point Poster


Photography Warning

Participation Release Form

Human Resources Management

Guest Lanyard

Flash Photography and Strobe Warning

Finalized Mix N Blend Equipment List

Artist Lanyard

Evening Event Scheduling 

Event Update

A lot has happened since the last update, with the residential coming and going, as well as emails bouncing between the key stakeholders with the goal of finalising as much as possible before Christmas.

With the AA RDC away until Christmas, so in essence new year, we have lost some potentially useful input, but it will not hinder us. The .pdf files found at the bottom of this page will give you all the indication you need to witness the progress we are making, but to explain the documents a bit…

One is a “Call to the Arts Award Community”, which is basically an information sheet saying we are looking for help on the event, be in workshop coordinators, people looking to perform in the evening show, or display artwork in the gallery. Other positions include marketing.
Another document is a more in-depth explanation that will be distributed to centres enticing them to take they young people to the event, and generally inform them of the goings on in their region.

Lastly is an updated plan, with all of the information, budgets, rough timings, aims and objectives. Very much the backbone of the project.

I have delegated the task of organising the workshops to Elize Kellman, who is an awesome person and I thoroughly enjoy working with her further on the event. She has been made aware of the sort of workshops we are looking for, but has the flexibility to do as she likes.

I will continue to update this blog as progress is made, but for now view the documents below. If you lack a pdf reader you can find a free one

Arts Award infodoc

Call to the Arts Community

The latest in-depth project plan


Meeting with the Apex was last Friday (18th November).

A lot was discussed, with potential deals being presented before Nick Wells (Programming at the Apex) went away to discuss it with his colleagues.

He quickly returned and said they would be happy to provide the venue to us for free, on the condition that they keep all box office money – a deal we were more than happy to accept.

I also proposed public moderation at this event, which was met with great enthusiasm. On top of this I have now incorporated Elize Kellman in the decision making process, iphone 5s refurbished and am getting feedback and input into the event, which is exciting in its own right.

This weekend is the next residential meeting for the Arts Award Participation Project, where I suspect we will be discussing and developing our ideas further.

Key points I wish to raise and address include the price of tickets, the distribution of information and the workshops. Having experience in gig management the actual celebration event is not too big of a worry at this point, although in an ideal world the wheels will all be in motion by December so I can focus on my A-Level resits.


The initial plan

The event I have opted to do ties in with my direct work for the Arts Award; a celebratory event of local artistic talent, combined with consulting of young people in the area. It also borrows ideas from the 2012 Olympic values, which can be viewed and explained further here.

While I have titled this the initial plan, this is in fact the third draft, with more changes no doubt on the way.

I have decided to upload the start document, and then simply list the changes leading up the big day through posts much like this one.

The first alterations are likely to be done in the next few days, and then on the 18th when we have a meeting with the venue to negotiate prices.


Click here to download the first plan